FREDERICTON (CNB) - The provincial government is seeking input from First Nations entrepreneurs about how both levels of government may best help First Nations people and communities achieve self-sufficiency.

Human Resources Minister Rick Brewer, who is also the minister responsible for the Aboriginal Affairs Secretariat, Business New Brunswick Minister Victor Boudreau, Finance Minister Greg Byrne and Natural Resources Minister Wally Stiles attended a reception for First Nations business leaders during a two-day think tank on First Nations Self-Sufficiency in Fredericton.

"The Province of New Brunswick cannot achieve self-sufficiency without the help of its First Nations communities," Brewer said. "It is a priority of this government to work side-by-side with the First Nations leadership to ensure every community can achieve its socio-economic potential and that Aboriginal New Brunswickers can be full partners in our collective cause of self-sufficiency."

The First Nations entrepreneurs discussed how their communities could help the province achieve self-sufficiency. At the end of the discussions, a working group submitted its findings and recommendations to the Aboriginal Affairs Secretariat.

"I was very happy to receive the recommendations of the working group," Brewer added. "I pledged to the group our government's continuing commitment to work with the leadership of our First Nations communities, to ensure so that both levels of government and all New Brunswickers can and will achieve self-sufficiency together."