Government of New Brunswick

A forum for regional family violence networks

The Provincial Partnerships in Action (PPA) forum brings representatives from Regional Violence Prevention Networks together annually for training, skills development, networking, information sharing on best practices, and how to evolve a provincial response for the provision of core services  to women who have experienced domestic or other forms of violence and their families.  Representatives can include domestic violence outreach workers, transition houses, second stage housing, community agencies offering other support services, community members including survivors of violence against women, and government partners.

The Women’s Equality Branch – Violence Prevention Unit facilitates sessions once a year.

It is based on the recognition that meeting the needs of women experiencing violence in personal relationships requires collaboration and information-sharing between provincial partners. It provides a formal mechanism for sharing ideas of service delivery concepts that may be shared and adopted. Regional diversity, community involvement and energy, champions and leadership, creativity and availability of resources create opportunities for processes to evolve around problem solving and learning from the experiences of others. 

Each partner is a part of the overall provincial strategy. Community services for women who are victims of violence can be made stronger by having representatives actively participate in a Regional Violence Prevention Network where the provision of supports and services can be looked at holistically, assuring some level of consistent core services being provided everywhere in the province.


PPA Posters

The Women's Equality Branch is holding a series of webinars on April 21st and April 28th, 2022. GNB employees, community members, and various organizations are invited to participate. Guest speakers will share their research, expertise, and life experiences. We would like to highlight the importance of diversity, equality, intersectionality, and inclusion in our province.

For more information on the agenda:

For more information, please contact:

Women’s Equality Branch

Violence Prevention and Community Partnerships Initiatives (Unit)

20 McGloin St
PO Box 6000
Fredericton, NB
E3A 5T8
Phone: (506) 453-8126
Toll-free: 1-877-253-0266
E-mail: [email protected]