Government of New Brunswick


The Health Services Medical Supplies/ Services Program assists clients with coverage for specific medical supplies not covered through other Health Services Programs.


This program is available to:

• Clients of this department and their dependents
• Individuals who have special health needs and who qualify for assisted health care under Section 4.4 of the Family Income Security Act and Regulations

Clients must have one of the following:

• A valid white Health Services Card showing “SUPPLEMENTARY” in the BASIC HEALTH ELIGIBILITY section, or MS.” (Other Medical Supplies) in the ADDITIONAL HEALTH ELIGIBILITY section

• A valid yellow Health Services card with a “Y” under the OTH in the VALID ONLY FOR box, or an “X” under SUPP in the VALID ONLY FOR box

Clients must not have any other medical coverage to be eligible for full benefits
Each benefit has specific eligibility criteria and required documentation that must be provided.

In order to be eligible for full benefits through this program, you must not have any other coverage for the service(s) required.


This program covers the following medical supplies:
• Blood Pressure Monitors for long term use
• Burn Supplies ( Burn garments, Burn dressings)
• Central venus access device supplies (example Port-o-cath)
• Canes, crutches and 2-wheeled walkers
• Foot Nail Care for services (clients of income assistance only)
• Infusion Pump monthly rental and the purchase of necessary supplies
• Personal emergency response system rental (example Lifeline)
• Pressure gradient garments ( Medical grade compression stockings –knee or thigh length, compression sleeves
• Special Authorization benefits (compression pantyhose, compression wraps, custom made compression garments)

There may be specific caps and limits for each benefit.

Refer to the Medial Supplies policy for the complete list of benefits.

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