Government of New Brunswick

If you are planning a trip to a sunny southern destination this winter, don’t forget to pack your sun smarts. Sunny vacation destinations are closer to the equator which means stronger, more damaging rays. A tropical climate is entirely different as the sun intensity is much stronger.  The ultraviolet (UV) index is higher in tropical destinations, so it takes less time in the sun before you acquire a sunburn and irreversibly damage your skin. You can find more information on the UV index here.



A few things you should know before going:

Indoor tanning in preparation for your trip will not offer effective protection against sunburn during your vacation down south . What does that mean?  You will still burn when you hit the beach at your vacation dream spot; not an ideal way to spend your vacation.

The best protection is to use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and re-apply regularly, wear a hat and seek shade when the UV rays are at their highest. 



A few things to keep in mind while you are there:


  • AVOID indoor tanning as it increases your risk of cancer and does not provide protection again UV rays.
  • REDUCE sun exposure between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. and when the UV index is above 3. Take a siesta like the locals!
  • USE SPF 30 or higher. Reapply after swimming, water sports or heavy perspiration.
  • COVER UP with loose fitting clothing – synthetic blends are more effective than cotton.
  • PROTECT your eyes with sunglasses.
  • WEAR a wide brimmed hat.
  • CHOOSE shade over direct sunlight
  • KNOW that some medications, cosmetics and lotions increase skin sensitivity to UV rays.
  • REAPPLY, REAPPLY, REAPPLY your sunscreen, especially if you plan on spending time in the water.

Download this checklist here