Government of New Brunswick

New Legislation: Bee Act

As of March 1st, 2023 the new Bee Act and General Regulation have come into effect. The Bee Act replaces the Apiary Inspection Act and includes new requirements to further protect the honey bee against pests and diseases.

This new legislation includes requirements for registering to keep honey bees and used beekeeping equipment, identification of hives, import and transport permits, transit permits and new reportable pests and diseases. The Act addresses increased use of bees for pollination services, the annual importation of bees for pollination and the increased threat of importation of pests and diseases that could seriously impact the provincial beekeeping industry.

There are approximately 10,000 honey bee colonies registered in New Brunswick amongst 450 beekeepers. Most colonies are used for pollination and other colonies are used for honey production. Total honey production is usually 125,000 kg. Bumblebees as well as alfalfa leafcutter bees are also used as commercial pollinators. Native pollinators also pollinate crops in New Brunswick.


New Brunswick Honey Bee Importation Protocol


Honey Bees


Other Bees